TTB Processing Times
TTB has recently begun publishing the average number of days the agency takes to process original applications to operate.This week, TTB published updated averages as of July 2013. Almost all average processing times have gone up considerably since the May 2013 averages were published.Please take note of the following average processing time and plan accordingly:
Type July 2013 average processing time (May 2013 average) Bonded Winery 92.77 days (69.27) Brewery 91.77 days (76.88) Distilled Spirits Plant 117.97 days (109) Importer 55.56 (63.96) Wholesaler 54.38 (53.98)
These are average times for applications submitted through Permits Online only. You can expect applications filed on paper forms to take much longer.We at Jack Martin & Associates can help you file a complete and accurate TTB application so that when it is finally reviewed by a specialist, the specialist can quickly send it along to a supervisor for approval. Please call us at (512) 473-0300 if we can be of service to you.